Thursday 20 August 2015

First member of 2nd flokk Sigmundr is finished

A few days ago, it hit me that I really haven't painted anything since finishing the White Rose; that was a good while ago now and I was afraid I had forgotten how to hold a brush.  Well, not quite but you know how it is, you miss a day in the gym and you feel like the most obesist and unfittest person-- at least that's how I feel.

NEVER MIND where was I... I've hit another emotional low, and initially did not want to do anything hobby-wise because I didn't feel like it... And yet I knew I had to push myself to get something done, or I would never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever return to painting.  Besides, we know wonderful things can happen when we choose to embrace the Darkness descends upon us!
And you wish for proof in this?
 Firstly, a few WiPs I'm working on;

Non-FW suit of MkIII

A librarian

Yesterday I undercoated several members of a Flokk including a few halflet-serfs; so I put on Slashgore and over several hours produced this; my first (technically speaking) Sagodjur Fjorlag canon piece, brother Niði, Þollr 2nd flokk Sigmundr.

For reasons beyond my control-- as in my pvc bottle being glued shut, oh wretched thing!-- I could not base him properly for the photos, but I will get there I'm sure.  I am especially happy with the way the cloake turned out, and the Chain of Zeal looks Very Old Indeed.

And that's that, for now at least.  I'm still depressed but oh well.  Next time I'll have a few more Astartes finished; I really need to get back into painting... Another Big Project looms on the horizon distant; I won't tell you yet, it may fall through... But if it happens, I shall be prepared.


Wretched thing~!

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